Poetry Together 2023 is designed to bring together children and older people to share poems plus some tea and cake and conversation. Launched by Glyes Brandeth and Queen Camilla, the event wishes to encourage old and young in the same community to get together and enjoy the delights of poetry – whether that is writing or reciting! Today seven students from yrs7&8 took part in our Poetry Together event . We visited Total Care, which is just down the road from our school, who were pleased to host us.
Each student wrote a poem on the subject of “Happiness” and read this poem aloud to a number of the residents. The residents in turn had written their own poem which was read by Marjorie. We then enjoyed juice, biscuits ,cakes and a lovely chat with the residents and some staff. The students all really enjoyed their visit and came away with the idea of returning on another date. We will now enter the national competition and hopefully win a prize!
Thanks to Ms Bailey - our wonderful Librarian – for making this happen.
