Dear Parents and Carers of our New intake 2024
Congratulations! You have been offered a place at Newman Catholic College for September 2024. Newman Catholic College can’t wait for you to join.
For this to happen you need to accept your place at Newman by following the link:
Receipt of this will confirm your place at Newman Catholic College from September 2024 and we will proceed to send out to you our second letter with a link to view and edit all necessary information we require.
Please can you accept your place by Friday 8th March 2024, failure to do this could mean your place at Newman is not secure and could be offered to pupils on our waiting list.
We are holding a parental engagement evening Thursday 14th March 2024 16:00-17:00. This evening is a brief welcome to the Transition Process.
It is for parents and carers only, no pupils must attend. You will enter the college through the Main Performance Hall, this is to the right of reception, following the building round to the bus layby.
If you have any queries please e mail

Mrs A Hodgin
Admissions Officer

Mrs N Foley
Assistant Head: Key Stage 3 and Transition