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Year 10 Parents Evening 7th February 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 10 Parents’ Evening – 7th February 2024, 16:00–19:15

Year 10 Parents’ Evening will be held in college on Wednesday 7th February 2024. Appointments will start at 16:00 and the final bookable appointment will be 19:10.

As with previous parents’ evenings, appointments are bookable using our School Cloud system. Appointments will be open for booking from Monday 22nd January 2024.

Appointments are bookable in five-minute slots with each member of staff that teaches your child. Appointments are first come, first served, and must be booked in advance; you will not be able to see staff without appointments. A link to take you to the School Cloud booking system is below, and a guide to booking can be found on the Parent Portal of our website under Parents’ Evenings.

We recommend that your child attends with you to discuss their progress with class teachers. Please can you ensure that your child attends in full school uniform.

Parking will be available onsite. Please can we remind not park on the double yellow lines or block neighbouring streets as the roads do not belong to school, but are public highway.

A member of the SEND team will also be available but booking an appointment is not a requirement. Appointments with a member of the SEND team are not bookable through the School Cloud system but if you would like to ensure you can meet with them, please email:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Miss Salmon, Year 10 Academic

Yours sincerely,

Mr D. Maxwell – Senior Assistant Headteacher for Achievement


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