Dear Parent / Guardian,
To celebrate the hard work and efforts of all our Year 8 pupils, we would like to reward them by organising a trip to watch this year’s Oldham Pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk!. This will be a great way to round off the half term, watching, perhaps even joining in with, a theatrical production and for our Y8 pupils to just have some fun together.
The performance will take place on the morning of Friday 15th December. On this day, pupils will need to arrive to school promptly, in full school uniform, & will go to their form-room, as normal. After being registered, pupils will be escorted by members of staff onto coaches and will depart from Newman College at 09:15 to get to the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Oldham, ready for the pantomime’s 10:00 start. This early departure means that it is extremely important that your child is on-time.
The pantomime is due to finish at 12:05 and we will look to set off on our return coach journey to Newman College at 12:15. This means that pupils should be back in college for 12:35, ready to access Period 4, lunch and then Period 5.
Please be aware that there won’t be time to allow pupils to access the refreshment stands at the Queen Elizabeth Hall and so I would strongly suggest that they bring a bottle of water / drink with them. The coach drop-off points will likely be to the rear of the Queen Elizabeth Hall and so I would also advise them to bring a coat, in case of bad weather.
To confirm your child’s place on this trip, please complete the Form below by giving consent for the trip by no later than Friday 1st December. We are also asking for a contribution of £14 to support the cost of the trip for the full year group. A ParentPay item is now open for this payment. Alternatively, you can pay via cash/cheque, made payable to Newman RC College directly to our Admin Office. This deadline for payment is Friday 1st December.
Thank you for your continued support and we really look forward to taking our Y8 pupils out for a fun-filled morning.
Yours faithfully
Mrs E Eckersall, Year Leader Y8