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Welcome to the LIFE SKILLS department...

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Life Skills is the most important part of a child’s education. In a world where children might not be learning life lessons at home, it is vital that we ensure that our students are equipped with the knowledge that they will need to be successful in their everyday lives.

Our students experience a range of different topics which not only upskill their knowledge and understanding of different topics but provide them with the skills that they need to develop the confidence to be able to ask the right questions about these topics and know when, where and how to seek additional support, if required.


We want our students to both know how to contribute positively to society and know why this is important, whilst also understanding the role that they play within the communities of which they are a part of. We provide opportunities for them to practise expressing their views appropriately and through these opportunities, we hope that they feel empowered to do so. We aim for our students to be challenged appropriately during these sessions, so that they ultimately understand more about themselves and others, explore what makes them happy and to ultimately develop the ability to go on to succeed across all areas of their lives.  

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